Find out what three successful authors of memoirs learned about using digital publishing and marketing of their books at the Field’s End Speaker Series, September 16th. In this episode, BCB host Annie Osburn speaks with Caroline Flohr, author of Heaven’s Child, about her experiences with independent publishing.
Along with fellow authors Wendy Hinman and Benay Nordby, Flohr will speak at the Field’s Ends event, “The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Independent Publishing,” at Bainbridge Public Library. Together, these brave authors will share their joys and challenges along the path to publication.

In Heaven’s Child, Flohr takes us on a journey through heartbreak and healing as she explores the death of her 16-year-old daughter in a tragic accident involving eight teens on a nighttime joy-ride. Wendy Hinman is the author of Tightwads on the Loose: A Seven-Year Pacific Odyssey. She is an inspiring speaker on following our dreams wherever they lead. Benay Nordby is an active community volunteer and author of The Full Ripened Grain: A Memoir of Healing and Hope.
Credits: Podcast host and producer: Annie Osburn; audio editor and composer of What’s Up music splash: Tim Bird.